Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day

Do you know who coined the phrase ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?’  It was John Harvey Kelloggs. Do you recognise his name from the packets of cereal you crunch every day? Do you know why he created cereals? His original aim was not to improve our health but something a little quirkier. I’ll explain more and dive into why breakfast philosophy has become entrenched in popular culture. And yet cereals no longer serve us a bowl of anything that is worth consuming! This blog will outline another popular health myth that has been updated by prominent nutritionists, TV health presenters and GPs.

Why high carb diet is making you unwell

Dr Mosley reports that insulin “makes you hungry and makes you fat” As you have read in my previous blogs, insulin is released when you consume carbs – the higher the carb GI the higher the insulin release. Insulin encourages high cell turnover and increases “the risk of cancer.” High carb diets are creating health problems.

The high carb diet is causing illnesses not previously seen on this scale. Health statistics on obesity have skyrocketed and dementia and Alzheimer’s are looking to overtake the obesity statistics. Medical advice is shifting – slowly. It will take a while for the message to become mainstream and the diet companies may take even longer. However cutting-edge medical professionals are calling for changes.


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Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day

I was delighted when Dr Mosley recently referred to changes in nutritional thinking as revolutionary which is exactly how I have felt for a number of years. Nutritional advice over the last 50 years is being turned on its head. Low fat has high toxicity for your body (Read more about low fat and high toxicity for your body)And diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate in young and old alike.

Over 9,000 limbs are removed in one year in the UK alone from diabetes. Over 4 million people living with diabetes in the UK at present which represents 6% of the UK population. Dementia and Alzheimer’s which has been referred to in medical circles as the new type 3 diabetes is set to overtake diabetes and expected to triple by 2050.

“The public has to realise that what is being offered by the NHS isn’t necessarily working.” Dr Mosley

Dr Michael Mosley and Adele Stickland Gorgeous! How to look and feel fantastic every day

You know when you are at a party and you stand out from the crowd for the entirely wrong reasons? You have the same dress as someone else or one or too many glasses of vino and are hanging from the chandeliers or you’ve got a little loud and everybody is turning to look at you. I have felt like that for a while, and to hear prominent and handsome (sorry Dave) award-winning presenters and international best selling authors like Dr Mosley say the same thing suddenly makes my chandelier hanging a worthwhile endeavour.

It isn’t just UK-based dieticians and GPs, across the pond medical researchers and best-selling authors like Nina Teicholz (#girlcrush) and Gary Taubes (yeah not so much) have also been discussing the low-fat debate for decades. In Gorgeous! international best selling book I discuss the evidence that when back in 1994 the American Diabetes Association brought in the 60% carb increase under the healthy heart guideline recommendations the number of diabetic diagnoses exploded tripling from 1980 to 2011.

I talk a lot about this in my best-selling book, Gorgeous! If you want to make nutritional changes but feel overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information and you’re left bewildered where to start then pick up a copy of Gorgeous!

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Most important meal of the day?

Removing breakfast cereals from your diet is the easiest way to reduce your carbohydrate intake for the day and the associated harmful additives that are contained within your cereals packets.

Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day

Cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals, which means that vitamins have to be added to the cereal to give them any health benefits. Read more: Are Breakfast Cereals Ever Healthy

Kellogg’s invented the breakfast cereal as part of his beliefs in promoting health reform, temperance and sexual abstinence. His promotion of developing anaphrodisiac foods was based on these beliefs. Cornflakes were created to damp the sexual ardour, not as a healthy sustaining meal.

I talk a lot about this in my best-selling book, Gorgeous! If you want to make nutritional changes but feel overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information and you’re left bewildered where to start then pick up a copy of Gorgeous!

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What do you eat instead?

Have you considered not eating breakfast? Whilst there is some evidence to suggest that children are going to perform better in school tests if they have breakfast the same is not true of adults. In children, the evidence generally suggests that a lower postprandial glycaemic response is beneficial to children’s cognitive performance (Benton and Jarvis, 2007) meaning that low carb breakfast will be more beneficial – eggs not cereal!

In adults, intermittent fasting is a great way to move forward and lose weight. Diving into the science of fasting you learn very quickly the advantages when you go without food for a short time. Your body diverts energy away from digesting food to cellular repair and the removal of waste material and toxins.

Don’t miss Intermittent Fasting does it work?

Autophagy – A process that is known as autophagy is when your amazing body destroys damaged or redundant cells. By boosting your body’s autophagy process through intermittent fasting, you dampen inflammation, enhance biological function and slow down the ageing process.

Apoptosis-In addition, intermittent fasting also results in a process called apoptosis where your body rids itself of old, unhealthy cells, and replaces them with new ones. This happens naturally throughout your body as your cells degrade, intermittent fasting speeds it up.

Would you like to get your nutrition right?

Who is The Gentle Reset Group Coaching for? My wellbeing retreats and coaching programmes attract a range of different professional women – those who own their own companies/businesses as well as corporate career professionals. All of whom are busy women who are 40+ looking to reset their health, and gain more energy whilst juggling busy lives and careers.  The range of clients is diverse but they all share the same thing in common. They are busy.

Exhausted with the jobs and their home and work ‘to do’ list.  They are screaming (internally) for a chance to rebalance their work-life balance.  A way to integrate life with work in a way that feels good for them. Everybody knows that eating well and exercising makes you feel better, but how do you fit it in when everything else is so overwhelming?


What results should you expect?

Here are examples of what my clients have achieved so far.

Marketing business owner Charlotte is frank: “Your support, great advice, laughter and tough love have changed my approach to food…as a busy mum of 2 teenagers and consumer brand marketer & business owner, I’ve changed my entire approach to food and prioritising my own health” Read more about Charlotte’s journey here

Find out more about the success stories click here

You can join the group right now and get started with the planning. The next round starts soon find out more here The Gentle Reset and begin the preparation.

the Gentle Reset

BE QUICK this programme, along with all my programmes will be increasing in price very soon > Click here to find out why I am raising my prices But you’ll also discover how you can grab a place before my prices go up, but you will need to be fast.

Gorgeous is your journey of discovery

PS. If you have read enough and you know that this is for you, and you are ready to discover the next stage of your journey  – then click here to join my next round before the prices rise 


PPS. Don’t forget the gorgeous book – your insight into great health and vitality Gorgeous! how to look and feel fantastic every day.  Gorgeous! book

Find out what other clients have to say…

“loved the easy to achieve mantras and targets. Can be a bit heavy on technical info but all really useful stuff. Loved this book and its a must if you have tried and failed at any diet or life style change. Will open your eyes to how easy it can be to boost self esteem and feel and look better. debunks all the myths about other fad diets and gives you a real sense of what you CAN achieve and how to make yourself a better person and feel good. A must read Bible for anyone needing help with nutrition and well being. Just do it!”

Mandy Wilkinson Mum of 2 busy boys and a Teacher Get Gorgeous Book 16th November 2019

[social_warfare ]

Reference on kids and breakfast:

Lee, Terry. “Virtual violence in Fight Club: This is what transformation of masculine ego feels like.” Journal of American & Comparative Cultures 25.3‐4 (2002): 418-423.



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  1. […] Don’t miss: Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day […]

  2. […] Don’t miss: Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day […]

  3. […] feel more energised and sustain your levels of concentration throughout your day. Don’t miss: Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day […]

  4. […] Don’t miss: Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day […]

  5. […] Don’t miss: Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day […]

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