Gorgeous! How to look and feel fantastic every day. The title and subtitle of my latest gorgeous book. If you are interested in improving your health and wellbeing then this book is an essential read. Reviewed by GPs, doctors, psychotherapists as well as business owners and coaches, this book has been months in the writing and decades in the thinking. Feeling free of anxiety about your health and the size of your bum is what every woman can have. Rid yourself fo the burden of fitting in and being a perfect size. Instead, with the help of this book, you can look to your future with optimism, great health, and a cute bum.
I’ve worked with clients who do not want to ‘end up like their mum’, dieting for decades and succumbing to ill health as a result of counting calories and not nutrients. Ill health, including anxiety, affects every part of your life. Your family life, your personal and of course your business relationships and client communications.
Looking and feeling fantastic every day is not a dream, it isn’t a fantasy that needs to be boxed up whilst you get on with your extensive list and as one client said to me ‘her lists about her lists’. Your health is your priority, weight loss is a side effect of looking after yourself.
Your holistic health can be divided simply into 3 areas – your physical health including your posture, your nutritional health including the controversy that surrounds ‘low fat’ diets and of course your mental health.
“You cannot fail to be motivated and inspired by Adele’s infectious enthusiasm and holistic approach” Dr. Penny McCarthy BSc (Hons), BMedSci
Nutritional health
Nutrition has let you down, over the last 50 years has been counterintuitive and counterproductive.
It was based on research that was never verified has now been discredited and yet it is still taking the powers that be too long to change their thinking. The ‘fat debate’ or more medically correctly the ‘lipid debate’ is referred to as a ‘science hangover’ by medical researchers like Gary Taubes and Nina Tiecholz. Science research is moving much faster than accredited bodies can keep up with.
Gorgeous! How to look and feel fantastic every day puts the nutritional research bang up to date. The latest research, the latest thinking, in a simple easy to ‘digest’ manner, so you have the facts and the research details that provide you with the information you need to make up your own decision.
“Adele’s enthusiasm, extensive knowledge and ability to inspire change leap off every page – a really good read.” Sally Jackson, Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Coach RGN, EdD
Mental health
After following the wrong dietary advice for decades most women will have been negatively affected by the diet cycle. Slimming down for a special occasion or because you have simply had enough of feeling rubbish and not performing at your optimum, to sliding back into your old ways of eating normally. Diets are that – short-term, low-calorie diets that take the joy out of life. Removing the fun and sticking to a harsh regime affects your mental health. Not eating enough will affect your mental health. And eating the wrong types of food will affect your mental health.
You know that, so what does it happen?
The food that eats affects your hormones: either the oestrogen dominant food that is mass manufactured soya products, chemicals in your perfumes and household toiletries to not eating enough dietary fat. Dietary fat is associated with cholesterol, and we have have been avoiding cholesterol for decades to the detriment of our mental health. Cholesterol is required to make the brain synapses and your brain function properly. Low-fat diets have lead to increased mental health issues.
“A great book from Adele with the whys and hows of self-care, so much good advice with the science and references to back it up” Dr Kate Thomas MBBS, MRCGP (retired GP)
Physical health
Posture affects your physical health more than you can imagine. Bad posture at your desk doesn’t simply you give you a few aches for a couple of hours, over time it will lead to bone density reduction and a change in your physical appearance. To feel fantastic you need to use your energy to drive forward your personal goal not to correct a day of bad posture. To look fantastic you need to review your posture.
Exercise less and move more is one of the fundamental components of Gorgeous! How to look and feel fantastic every day. Research has proved that being sedentary for most of your week and then participating in a big workout at the weekend is detrimental to your health. In addition, visiting the gym 3 x a week is doing you more harm than good. The repetitive strain comes from doing the same workout each week, no variation which compounds to RSI. this can come from the same treadmill run or the same static gym equipment.
“Educational, insightful and funny” Jo, mum of 2
If you would like to understand your body more, get to grips with the nutritional balance that will work for you feel free to book in your free consultation time with me. You and I will discuss where you are currently and where you would love to be in 3 or 6 months time. I look forward to chatting with you
Get Gorgeous is a journey together – yours and mine.
PS. Don’t forget the gorgeous book – your insight into great health and vitality Gorgeous! how to look and feel fantastic every day. Click here to find out about your Gorgeous book
“Gorgeous! is the perfect read for anyone looking to revolutionise not only their relationship with food and movement but also their relationship with themselves. With Adele’s reassurance and expert guidance, any woman will feel inspired and empowered to begin their journey to prioritising themselves and their health – everybody is perfect and everybody is gorgeous!”
Find out what other clients have to say…
Adele is a bundle of fun and energy but extremely knowledgable too …I spent five hours with her and a dozen other lovely women at a workshop this Saturday in a beautiful space in Topsham …came out feeling very rejuvenated and calm at the same time … magic!
Join my next Pilates retreat day focusing on Relaxation, Pilates, Self Care or find out more about my next Wellness retreat to Greece, with twice-daily Pilates in the warm sun and wonderful company and food click here Greece 4th-11th October 2020
Want to chat get in touch click here to book some time for you now.
Anita Corbin Photographer Gorgeous Pilates Retreat 14th October 2019
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[…] Dr Michael Mosley and Adele Stickland Gorgeous! How to look and feel fantastic every day […]