Why does stress get worse as you age?

Stress is an absolutely normal reaction the body has when change occurs. It can affect your mood and your performance and of course your interaction with loved ones, including fur babies. They notice!  Everybody has stress.  Whilst it is normal dealing with it can either make the situation worse or alleviate it.  As you age, the normal answer to stress can’t be the same remedy going forward.  Work hard, play hard is no longer a strategy that works for you, your body, or your mind.  Finding alternative ways to alleviate the symptoms of stress will create a better longer-term vision for your life.  Finding a healthier way of dealing with stress is imperative as you get older. In this blog, I have outlined 6 ways you can improve your response to stress as you age and find the answer to the issues of why does stress get worse as you age?

What does stress do to your brain?

Researchers found that when stress becomes a way of life the prefrontal cortex part of your brain begins to reduce in size. This cortex regulates your amygdala, blood pressure, and heartbeat but also enables you to learn, plan, concentrate and make judgments.  Stress creates double trouble

Under long term stress, the hippocampus reduces in size which impacts your memory.  The hippocampus is principally involved in storing your long-term memories and in making those memories resistant to forgetting. It is also thought to play an important role in spatial processing and navigation

stress gets worse as you age

Prolonged stress or chronic stress over a number of years will reduce the ability of the hippocampus to work efficiently. It becomes smaller and your long term memory is affected. You only have to watch a colleague who you recognise as a stress bunny by nature and how they jump from one thing to another, forgetting what they were saying or doing to see the reality of long term stress in action.

The other issue with long term stress is that the amygdala in the brain increases. This is important because the amygdala fuels your ‘fear’ response and circular thought patterns driving anxiety.

Decreased sizes of the hippocampus affecting your memory and increased size of your amygdala mean that you are more aware and more prone to a stressful reaction. It becomes double trouble


Don’t miss – don’t eat over your emotions express them

6 ways to reduce your stress response


  1. Why drinking more Green Tea will help you relax

As a long time advocate of green tea, I have been aware of its healing and soothing properties.  It has bioactive compounds that have a calming effect on your mind. Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea leaves, helps you relax and keep stress at bay. According to researchers, theanine also helps to reduce anxiety. Other teas that can help reduce stress are chamomile tea which has a smooth flavour that makes it easy to sip on.  Peppermint tea is refreshing both hot and cold and valerian root tea has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years for its natural sedative effect. If this interests you then don’t miss: Foods to eat every day

I talk a lot about this in my best-selling book, Gorgeous! If you want to make nutritional changes but feel overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information and you’re left bewildered where to start then pick up a copy of Gorgeous!

Gorgeous! boook

Get Your Copy Now

2. How exercise will improve your stress response.

Research from the Mayo Clinic outlines that exercise in any form can act as a stress reliever. It helps pump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins, and will lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety.

The CrossFit motto is ‘nobody ever regrets completing a workout’

Exercising will improve your self-esteem especially if you do it with friends.

The gym isn’t the best way to improve your physicality or your self-esteem. Comparison-itis is a thing, comparing yourself to 25 years old isn’t going to help your body image. The stationary aspect of the gym equipment means you only focus on one or two muscles at a time. Mat based class based Pilates is the best thing for your body and your mind.  I may be a little biased.  Find a physical activity you enjoy, whether it’s on your bike, tennis or vigorous walking, more like running than walking. Exercising regularly and sticking to it will improve your physical and mental health.

If you are interested in finding an exercise routine that will work for you over the age of 40 then check out my blog: Exercises for a flat tummy if you over 40

3. Unplugging is a great stress reliever

A study from the University of British Columbia found that limiting the frequency of checking email throughout the day reduced daily stress and also makes you less productive at work. Reduce checking your email to three times a day — once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once at night — this will reduce your stress at work and boost productivity.

Don’t miss: Simple pleasures to reduce stress


4. Reduce your cortisol by chewing gum

In a study from Swinburne University in Melbourne, levels of salivary cortisol (a physiological stress marker) in gum chewers were lower by 16 per cent than non-gum chewers during mild stress and nearly 12 per cent lower in moderate stress.


5. Humour strengthens your immunity and reduces stress

Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress, brings your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. It lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.

Don’t miss: Laughter really is the best medicine


6. How can you use journaling to reduce stress

Writing stuff down, helps you to reevaluate your reaction to an event at work or at home.

The letter that should never be sent. 

If you haven’t got a coach to gain perspective then using pen and paper is the next best way of overcoming stressful thoughts, that harm you, not the perpetrator. Journaling is a therapeutic way to work through the frustrations you face in the workplace.

So, instead of bottling your work frustrations inside, let them out on paper.


Are you looking for a long-lasting transformational change?

Change that lasts forever takes time, one step at a time.  Creating a long-lasting relationship with yourself’.  A loving, cherished relationship with yourself.  A lifestyle change with reduced stress will take longer, but the results are transformational.   Adaptative change that works with your life, creates confidence and long term effective change.


The Gentle Reset – 6 weeks reset your mind and detox your body

If you’re not feeling great, full of vitality and hitting your weight goals then you’ve probably had a few glaring gaps……so with that in mind, I’d like to invite you to work with me inside my membership community on The Gentle Reset.

Each time this programme opens it is only open to 10 new enrolments and I’d love you to be a part of it

Working with me inside the membership, I’ll help you identify the bad habits that are accruing, then give you the resources you need to add in some great habits using coaching, video tutorials, cheat sheets, exercise videos, group coaching, and the all-important buddy-up, supportive motivation.

And you get the opportunity to pick my brain and get personal feedback on your nutrition every single week in our group coaching session. My Group Coaching programme is based on a 6 weeks course that will focus on your health and wellbeing.  Inside the 6 weeks: The Gentle Reset you will be able to reset your mind and detox your body and be provided with the support you need to get a healthy lifestyle in place.

A big part of that means that you will have nourishing eating habits that will give you more energy and more motivation as well as the appropriate levels of exercise.


Who is The Gentle Reset for?

  • Over 40 and wondering what the next 50 years are going to look like for you, then my Group Coaching programme is a great way to reset your health.
  • Busy, professional woman, successful in so many other aspects of your life but find it hard to find time for you then my Group Coaching Programme is perfect for you.
  • Looking for nutrition, exercise and emotional wellbeing that is tailored to you, your life and your commitments.
  • Want to move your health onto the next stage, and create a new lifestyle that supports and nurtures you rather than drains you.  Then the 6 weeks The Gentle Reset is perfect for you –  Join here:  The 6 weeks Gentle Reset
  • Improve your nutrition and nourish your body by adding in great nutritional and exercise habits that will not lead to burnout instead you will feel energised and vital so that you can take on all those ‘life’ tasks that previously you found so draining.
  • Or you are looking to increase your mental agility, enhance your creativity and problem-solving abilities. to tackle the next stage in your career and life then jump into the Group Programme
  • If you want to feel emotionally and physically stronger so that the stress of life doesn’t send you into a spin of negative coping strategies and behaviours then join us for the next round.

What sort of results can you expect?

Here are a few examples of what my clients have achieved so far:

Marketing business owner Charlotte is frank: “Your support, great advice, laughter and tough love have changed my approach to food…as a busy mum of 2 teenagers and consumer brand marketer & business owner, I’ve changed my entire approach to food and prioritising my own health” Read more about Charlotte’s journey here

Busy mum and school teacher Catherine retrained as a primary school teacher with 3 boys and a large extended family meant that Catherine and little time to focus on herself, let alone her health. Her trigger came when her workload and home balance became too much. Her health was suffering. Find out more about Catherine’s story and others click here:  success stories click here

CatherineCatherine NOW

How much does it cost?

Your investment is currently £415 but this is for a limited time, the price will be increasing soon – click here to grab the best possible price

the Gentle Reset

BE QUICK this programme, along with all my programmes will be increasing in price very soon > Click here to find out why I am raising my prices But you’ll also discover how you can grab a place before my prices go up, but you will need to be fast.

Gorgeous is your journey of discovery


PS. If you have read enough and you know that this is for you, and you are ready to discover the next stage of your journey  – then click here to join my next round before the prices rise 


PPS. Don’t forget the gorgeous book – your insight into great health and vitality Gorgeous! how to look and feel fantastic every day.  Gorgeous! book

Find out what other clients have to say…

Join my next Pilates retreat day 

Join us for some Spanish warmth, Pilates exercises and time to relax, unwind and consider your next steps for you.  A healthy and relaxing week combining powerful tools to help you relax, release stress. How often do you have the chance to step back from your day and … breathe?

Next Wellness retreat to Greece, with daily Pilates in the Greek sun click here

“The day was very relaxing and you can think about yourself and nobody else.  The day is full of like-minded people, different ages groups and walks of life but all interested in the same goal.”



Lesley Gibbins Gorgeous Pilates Retreat 11th February 2019




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