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Be Nurtured in an enriching, supportive, with a nourishing afternoon of guided meditation, inspiring mindfulness, rebalancing and gentle Pilates to nurture and comfort you.
Book your inspiring afternoon
A wonderful Gorgeous retreat day has 3 flowing and interwoven phases which are Relax, Reset & Refocus.
The first two phases take place on the day retreat itself and the third phase is the aftercare programme that you have once you have returned home.
It will provide you with everything you need in order to leave you feeling refreshed, focused and confident and clear your mind and get remove 'mind chatter'
Venue: Revitalize Studios, Topsham
By slowing down, you can feel the emotions you're experiencing and describe them. In doing so, you can process them and let them guide you to a healthy response
Maggie Kay
“Adele teaches via connection, example and inspiration. She is sparkling, fun loving (what a gorgeous chuckle), deeply caring and understanding, natural and ‘real’, combined with awesome expertise and health wisdom. And draws a similarly easy-going, relaxed, positive circle around her. As well as having a wonderful time on retreat together, I have come home having made some very special new friends indeed – a bonus I wasn’t expecting”
Time: 1pm-5pm
Arrival followed by gentle introductions and calming tea
1st relaxation and guided meditation
2nd session releasing and abundance activation
Venue Location: Revitalize Studios, Abbey Rooms, White St, Topsham, Exeter EX3 0AA
There will be a few snacks and I will cater to vegetarians and vegans. However I will be using nuts, if you have any allergies please let me know
– Energy protein power balls
– Coconut Chia Pots
– Chia: originally grown in Mexico, ‘chia; means strength in the Mayan language. Used by warriors to sustain them over 24 hours. The reason chia seeds are so beneficial is that they are rich in omega 3 fats, fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Mighty little seeds! Also very high in antioxidants so good for inflammation in the body.
Parking is difficult in Topsham, there is a great local train station and lots of wonderful shops. Why not make a full day of it, have lunch in a Topsham cafe and join us at 1pm?
As a bonus to all those that attend I will send out recipes from the day and a copy of the meditations for you to keep and refer back to.
If you have any further questions, just book in a quick call using the link below In addition I'd love to find out a little more about what you would like to benefit from the day
LIMITED places. Complete the form below to secure your place.
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!
Gorgeous! will hold your hand and help you dig deep to find your personal emotional trigger: the trigger that has held you back from finding your true ‘you’. It will guide you through the simple food changes that will allow your ‘body love’ transformation to occur.
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!
We will DEFINITELY NOT be giving your details to anyone EVER!