I loved how your book included ‘real people’ and described their why, so I could identify with them.
“I loved how you included real people, described their ‘why’ so I could identify with them. I thoroughly enjoyed the mindset and movement chapter and the explanation on carbs. My biggest joy was getting to know you a little more. I loved your honesty and references to your own family. It makes you real for other readers and I think that is so important with the message you are trying to get across. It wasn’t patronising, it was written with empathy but also the message was clear to me. ‘It’s all in my hands, get off your backside and leave the excuses if you want it enough’. I really loved how you were not afraid to challenge the myths of dieting. That blew away some of the things that I have been struggling with because of the weight/inches I have put on recently”
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