What is a health coach and why do you need one?

Have you ever wondered what a health coach actually is? Do they just focus on diet or exercise? Or do they take a more holistic approach?

There’s no doubt about it, the health and fitness industry is full of conflicting and opposing views, and the question is where do you start? There is so much confusion! That’s why I’ve decided to write this blog post.

This blog will outline what a Health Coach does, and how can a Health Coach help you to achieve better health and more energy.  This blog will outline the types of questions a Health Coach will ask, and give you a guide to how much a Health Coach will cost and charge you.

What is a Health Coach?

A Health Coach will guide you to great health by working with you to improve not only your nutrition and exercise performance but also reduce your tiredness levels, as well as improve your emotional and mental wellbeing.

A Health Coach takes a wider, holistic approach to your health and will look after the four pillars of your life so that you can reach your health dreams:

  • Nutritional health,
  • Movement,
  • Relaxation and mental wellbeing,
  • Sleep.

You may find a coach who specialises in one of these four pillars – a sleep coach or a nutritionist.  But a full complement health coach will deliver all 4 of these services – expertise and knowledge based on all 4 of these elements: nutrition, movement, wellbeing and sleep.

Using an integrated approach to your health and wellbeing.

Coaching you not only about the food on your plate, but also how you nourish yourself in other areas of your life, such as your relationships with others, amount and type of movement in your life and whether your physical activity is contributing to burnout, your hormone health and, and on some levels your spirituality.

There is a growing interest in science with behavioural epigenetics – the study of your genes and the impact of your environment on gene triggers.

Your behaviour in terms of your levels of stress, the quality of your nutrition, level of activity, and the amount of sleep you have will affect not only your short-term health response but also whether in the longer term you will trigger certain dormant genetic responses if your environment is toxic.

Which is why …..

A Health Coach develops all “four pillars” creating fantastic health that will keep your body and mind running at its best capacity, as well as creating a strong and resilient emotional well-being. Below, I’ve broken down the four pillars so you can see how a health coach will help you improve in these individual areas.

Prefer Video? Watch My Video: What is a Health Coach?

Using a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing, coaching and guiding that good health it’s not just about the food on your plate, but also how you nourish yourself through other areas of your life and develops all “four pillars” creating fantastic health that will keep your body and mind running at its best capacity, as well as creating a strong and resilient emotional well-being.

The Four Pillars of a Health Coach

Below, I’ve broken down the four pillars so you can see how a health coach will help you improve in these individual areas.

1. Nutritional Advice

You are aware, I’m sure, that eating foods that are heavily processed and high in sugar, will leave you feeling sluggish, slow, and heavy. This makes life much harder and reduces your motivation to stay active and energised.

It is easy to get an energy boost and turn to high-sugar foods. A health coach will help you break this cycle, teaching you how to maintain a nutritious diet that’s both filling and gives you plenty of energy throughout the day.

The solution is to change your old habitual behavioural pattern and make new ones that will change your taste buds so that you won’t crave the sugary treats.


2. Sleep and It’s Impact on Your Physical Health

Sleep has a direct impact on your health but also your ability to do exercise and eat healthily. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re far more likely to choose foods that will give you a brief energy burst (ones full of sugar!) and you’re less likely to do exercise. This means you’re constantly feeling tired and turning to the wrong types of food to help you cope. A health coach will work with you to instill good sleep habits and break the cycle of consuming the wrong types of foods to combat tiredness.


3. Movement and Exercise

A great health coach will work with you to create an exercise programme that fits in with your lifestyle and fitness levels. They should also tailor this programme to exercise that you actually enjoy! For some, this may be the hardest part of coaching!

What is a Health Coach?4. Relaxation

Yes, a health coach should also help you with relaxation and de-stressing. Relaxation is just as important to your health and good nutrition, sleep and exercise. Without it, you will become stressed, tired and anxious. A good health coach should help you carve out dedicated time for relaxation.

As you can see, a health coach is so much more than just a ‘diet’.

The more your balance the four pillars within your life, the stronger you will feel and the easier life will be. You’ll be able to navigate life’s stresses and downturns easily.

I talk a lot about this in my best-selling book, Gorgeous! If you want to make nutritional changes but feel overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information and you’re left bewildered where to start then pick up a copy of Gorgeous!

Gorgeous! book

Get Your Copy Now

What is the first stage of working with a health coach?

A well-being audit is the first stage.

A Health Coach will consider what you are doing right now with your diet, your exercise, rest and rehabilitation, and your sleep. A health coach will take an assessment of where you are right now and look to how you can improve your diet, exercise routine, your sleep and your mental wellbeing.

How to find a health coach?

Man talking to Health Coach on Phone

Most of us Google or YouTube the answer to everything today.  Finding your perfect Health Coach, can be as simple as that. However a word of caution, be mindful to consider commonalities that you and your perfect coach have – for instance their age, lifestyle, even their level of fitness is important – if they are ripped and sporting a 6 pack that make your eyes bleed – that is wonderful, but is it obtainable for you?  Are they going to ask you for a crazy schedule that includes 5am starts and protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner with barbells on it?

If you are looking online and you find the perfect coach to train with who happens to be a 25-year-old male health coach – however handsome – what do you imagine he is going to have in common with a 40+ hormonally challenged female?

Of course, he is going to have the education and the understanding of the female body, but his expectations of your body, levels of tiredness, life expectations and even their outlook on life, love and commitments will be radically different.

Choose a coach that you resonate with, male or female, someone you feel a connection with.  Begin by reading their blogs, find out what drives and inspires them. Do you find their style motivating?

A little further research will help you to establish what nutritional stance they take – nutritionists can be ‘affiliated’ to different schools of thought and specialisms.  Some nutritionists focus on vegetarian and vegan tastes and others work towards a more paleo and a ketogenic diet.


Is a health coach worth it?

Without your health, your dreams for your future life will not come to fruition.  Is a health coach worth it? Yes.  Your health is your most important asset and if you are struggling with health issues then talking to an expert is the best course of action.

You’d talk to an expert about your car, you invest in your car.  Why not invest in yourself?

If you don’t take time for your wellness then you’ll be forced to take time for your illness.

What questions should a health coach ask?

As part of your wellbeing assessment a health coach will ask you the standard medical questions about your health for instance:

  • Have you have ever had any health conditions?
  • Do you occasionally use or are you currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications?
  • Have you had any surgical operations in the last 10 years?
  • Has anyone in your immediate family developed heart disease before the age of 60?
  • Do any diseases run in your family?

More detailed physical questions that a health coach would ask would include:

  • Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
  • Have you ever had treatment for a back problem?
  • How would you rate your overall posture?

Woman cooking healthy food


Finally looking at the wider perspective questions around your mental wellbeing are also considered by your health coach:

  • Are you experiencing any stress, mood problems, or relationship difficulties?
  • Which of these symptoms are you currently experiencing – low energy, anxiety, brain fog, frequent colds or infections, mood changes?
  • Which of these symptoms have you experienced in the last 12 months – low energy, anxiety, brain fog, frequent colds, or infections?

Details on how you are physically being the process and then further on, a more detailed question on how you are feeling and what you would like to achieve in working with a health coach.  For instance what results would you like to see in 3 months’ time, what would you like to b able to do or feel that you don’t do know.

Questions like this will assist your coach and you to establish what you want to achieve by working together.

The more open and honest you can be, the quicker you can get to the route of the issue and the quicker you will see the results you want.

Questions that I like to ask clients include:

    • If you were to look back 6 months from now and say “joining Adele’s Gorgeous programme was one of the best decisions in my life’ what has to have happened for you to feel thrilled with your progress?
    • What is your impossible, crazy dream? What would you like to accomplish that looks impossible but if it were achieved would change everything?
    • What emotions and past experiences come up for you when you think about paying attention to yourself? What experience have you had trusting yourself with your own decision about your life and your health?
    • What would motivate you to take your health to the next level and start becoming the REAL YOU? And be honest what scares you?

How much do health coaches charge?

Health coaches can charge from £45 an hour to £245 an hour. The cost will depend on the level of service and help you require.  A more cost-effective way to work with a Health Coach is to work in a programme – which is part self-analysis using support materials such as videos, workbooks and reflection documents as well as the more personal and in-depth 121 coaching.  Coaching charges are on a sliding scale of personalisation.



The Gentle Reset: My Group Coaching Programme

Reset your body and detox your mind in my 6 weeks Group Coaching Programme

My Group Coaching programme is based on a 6 weeks course that will focus on your health and wellbeing.  Inside the 6 weeks Gentle Reset you will be able to reset your mind and detox your body and you will be provided with the support you need to get a healthy lifestyle in a place.

A big part of that means that you will have the nourishing eating habits that will give you more energy and more motivation as well as the appropriate levels of exercise.

Who is my Group Coaching Programme for?

  • If you are over 40 and wondering what the next 50 years are going to look like for you, then my Group Coaching programme is a great way to reset your health.
  • If you are a busy, professional woman, successful in so many other aspects of your life but find it hard to find time for you then my Group Coaching Programme is perfect for you.
  • If you are looking for nutrition, exercise and emotional wellbeing that is tailored to you, your life and your commitments.
  • If you are looking to move your health onto the next stage, and create a new lifestyle that supports and nurtures you rather than drains you.  Then the 6 weeks Gentle Reset is perfect for you –  Join here:  6 weeks Gentle Reset
  • If you know that you are looking to improve your nutrition and nourish your body by adding in great nutritional and exercise habits that will not lead to burnout instead you will feel energised and vital so that you can take on all those ‘life’ tasks that previously you found so draining.
  • Or you are looking to increase your mental agility, enhance your creativity and problem-solving abilities. to tackle the next stage in your career and life then jump into the Group Programme
  • If you want to feel emotionally and physically stronger so that the stress of life doesn’t send you into a spin of negative coping strategies and behaviours then join us for the next round.

The Gentle Reset

The next round of Gentle Reset begins in March 2021 Get your mindset ready and join today to get started on your first habit, then join in the calls when the first round starts. Click here to join the 6 weeks Gentle Reset


BE QUICK this programme, along with all my programmes will be increasing in price very soon > Click here to find out why I am raising my prices But you’ll also discover how you can grab a place before my prices go up, you need to be fast.

Gorgeous is your journey of discovery

PS. If you have read enough and you know that this is for you, and you are ready to discover the next stage of your journey  – then click here to join my next round before the prices rise 


Find out what other clients have to say…

“In a word: Wonderful!
Adele’s passion and compassion speak from every sentence and I found the concepts greatly meaningful and insightful. I am hugely impressed.”

Find out how you can get your hands on your copy www.get-gorgeous.com/book

Sarah Mcilveen Get Gorgeous Book www.get-gorgeous.com/book 27th February 2019


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