Laughter really is the best medicine

After a bad day at work or a snide comment from a loved one, you feel rubbish.  But what you do afterwards can be the secret sauce to your recovery.  Do you hit the gin, the wine, moan, and generally gloss over the emotion?  Or do you deal with the feeling, the resentment, the anger, and the frustration?  Noticing and accessing how you feel are the first steps to releasing this upsetting emotion. Simply expressing your frustration will start your journey to moving on.  Gaining perspective on a situation will take time.  You will speed the process up with this one simple technique.

After a particular painful book review on Amazon, I could feel myself going down the slippery slope of despondency. I felt heartbroken, worthless, and started to question my skills and qualities as an author and as a coach.  A little overdramatic?  I think so.

I had a sinking feeling that I had to deal with. I know from my coaching work, that if you don’t deal with what comes up, the emotion hangs about in your body and your thoughts.  It becomes destructive and it is a poison that you carry around into future conversations and into your day.  When the answer and the solution are very simple.

In that moment of despair and upset, what you want to do is reach for booze and/or chocolate.  It easy to go back to the ways of behaving that were ‘modelled’ by our parents. The ‘grown-up’ solution of finding release comes from an automatic, quick response that we have learned to be acceptable from others.  The question is how well is that serving you now?

As “the boss of you”, what can you do differently and get a better more long-lasting outcome to a painful moment or time in your life?

Dealing with emotions is a murky experience at first,  perhaps painful at first.  But listening and paying attention and doing something proactive will stop the event from recurring – again and again.

I talk a lot about this in my internationally best-selling book, Gorgeous! If you want to make nutritional changes but feel overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information and you’re left bewildered where to start then pick up a copy of Gorgeous!

Get Your Copy Now


Your strategy for moving forward and letting go of distressing situations is two-fold:

1. Ask for help

Decide who is the very best person you can talk to you, who will support you to change. It is interesting you may think automatically to a best friend or partner, but they don’t always give you the answer you need, they may simply give the answer you want to hear.

Once you have found your perfect soul mate, pick a comfortable time and place to have your conversation, preferably not after a glass of wine, a cup of tea would work better.
Decide before you do this what is the outcome you want – peace and space to be heard or a solution?

Bearing in mind these three simple tips will help you to move on rather than dwelling on the situation.  Who would you ask, who would give trust with your innermost throughs to give you an honest answer that will help you to move on?

If you are interested in exploring this topic more don’t miss: Asking for help  The second part of moving on is laughter.

2. Laugh it off

Laughter not only strengthens your immune system, but also boosts your mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the physical and mental damaging effects of stress.

Laughing is the best medicine

Having some fun brings your mind and body back into balance. It lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.

      • Stops distressing emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re having a laugh.
      • Helps you relax and recharge. It reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more.
      • Shifts your perspective, allowing you to see situations in a more realistic, less threatening light. A humorous perspective creates psychological distance, which can help you avoid feeling the overwhelmed and diffuse conflict.
      • Draws you closer to others, which can have a profound effect on all aspects of your mental and emotional health.

What is your quickest route to a smile? Mine is excessive swearing! Rude I know but if my hubby swears in a posh voice it is hilarious. What is your secret laughter juice?

Whilst laughter isn’t always easy, you’ll find this blog a little more in-depth don’t miss: Improve your mental wellbeing do this one thing

Your Health Coach: Adele!

It’s taken me years (and loads of mistakes) to work out how to fit in nourishing nutrition, fulfilling exercise around my life which includes my coaching business, my Pilates obsession and 3 kids!

And now I coach busy, successful women over 40 to do the same – via my membership community and The Gentle Reset – and I’d like to invite you to join me see what it is like find out more: read the blog The Gentle Reset

Based on the latest science from the world of nutrition, neuroscience and exercise I’ve created a coaching programme that will create habits that will keep you energised for life.


What results should you expect?

Transformational change 

University lecturer and business owner Rachel explains “I am starving, therefore, I must be losing weight, but the scales were going the opposite way – I was confused…”​ Rachel is a busy professional, hardworking and successful who lives life at “100 miles an hour”. She fits a lot into her day and she was looking for some help with her health that could be “easily absorbed into her day” She noticed she was getting a lot of colds, feeling lethargic, she knew it was because she wasn’t putting the right nutrition in her body. You can hear Rachel talking about how she changed her life click here

Find out more about the success stories click here


How much does it cost?

Your investment is currently £415 but this is for a limited time, the price will be increasing soon. If you are interested in finding out more about the costs of working with a Health Coach read my blog: How much do Health Coaches charge?

The Gentle Reset

BE QUICK this programme, along with all my programmes will be increasing in price very soon > Click here to find out why I am raising my prices But you’ll also discover how you can grab a place before my prices go up, but you will need to be fast.

Gorgeous is your journey of discovery

PS. If you have read enough and you know that this is for you, and you are ready to discover the next stage of your journey  – then click here to join my next round before the prices rise 



Here is what other clients have to say…

Adele is a bundle of fun and energy but extremely knowledgable too …I spent five hours with her and a dozen other lovely women at a workshop this Saturday in a beautiful space in Topsham …came out feeling very rejuvenated and calm at the same time … magic!

Join my next Pilates retreat day focusing on Relaxation, Pilates, Self Care or find out more about my next Wellness retreat to Greece, with twice-daily Pilates in the warm sun and wonderful company and food click here Greece 4th-11th October 2020

Want to chat get in touch click here to book some time for you now.

Anita Corbin Photographer Gorgeous Pilates Retreat 14th October 2019

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2 responses to “Laughter really is the best medicine”

  1. suzanne craven says:

    I quickly recognised me as I read about your response. Sometimes I have to have a word with myself, but a friend is much better to talk to – they mostly offer voice of reason x

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